Home/shop all/girls/Tees, Tops & ShirtsSHOP ALL GIRLS' NEUTRAL LONG SLEEVE TEESHide FiltersFeaturedFeaturedPrice: Low - HighPrice: High - LowTop RatedNew ArrivalsPick up today Select a store2 itemsCategory3 selectedgraphics (2)long sleeve tees (1)button downs (1)shirts & tops (1)Shop By AgeYounger Kids (ages 2-7)Older Kids (ages 8-16)Color1 selectedblue (2)neutral (2)orange (1)pink (1)white (2)PriceMin: $14 / Max: $25$14$25Discount2 selected60% and above (1)50% - 60% off (1)40% - 50% off (7)Occasionschool (1)casual (1)Online Exclusiveonline exclusive (1)Trendingtop rated (1)Re-imaginedsustainable (1)long sleeve teesshort sleeve teesbutton downsshirts & topsneutral60% and above50% - 60% offClear Alltop ratedQUICK SHOPtop ratedGirls' long-sleeve pointelle teeComparable value:Original Price: $36.50Your price:Sale Price: $14.50(60% Off)QUICK SHOPGirls' cotton-blend button-up shirtComparable value:Original Price: $49.50Your price:Sale Price: $24.50(51% Off)2 Items